SMS & Messaging Solutions

SMS & Messaging Solutions

Empowering Your Messaging Solutions

Olcoms offers a diverse array of solutions across SMS and OTT services, catering to the specific needs of our clients. Our offerings encompass marketing solutions, customer engagement, and two-factor authentication.

The Power of SMS

SMS remains a cornerstone of global mobile engagement, primarily due to its exceptional reliability and unmatched open rates. It is the sole messaging function present on every handset by default and continues to stand as a permanent communication channel. Olcoms boasts extensive global experience in the A2P SMS domain, serving companies by enabling them to send notifications to their existing clientele and prospects, whether for transactional or marketing purposes. With wide-reaching coverage across telco operators worldwide, we consistently provide reliable solutions for our customers to reach their end-users.

Diverse Clientele

Olcoms offers a seamless way for companies to communicate on WhatsApp, facilitating customer engagement, notifications, and customer care on the world’s most popular messaging application.



Enterprise Customers
